06 December 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday. I am not really expecting anything great. I have not had a great birthday in years. What's more depressing than turning 36? turning 36 with no celebration. Just like turning 35, 34, and blah blah blah.

Ok, I will stop whining now. My grandmother has been in the hospital since last Thursday. I love her so much and worry about her. She has been in a nursing home since 1996. My mother never lets a day go by without Going to see her. She washes her hair, changes her grandma diaper, paints her nails, and does her laundry. The dedication my mother has shown toward my grandmother over the last 10 years has been amazing. I can only hope my own children would care this much about me when i get old and need them. It is still up in the air about how she is doing. somethings look better but others look worse. We are kind of in a holding pattern. She is to frail to do surgery on so other options have to be used. Even the other options are almost too much for her. One procedure she needs could actually make things worse so we are just waiting it out to see what happens.

Oh, yeah I saw my black sheep sister yesterday. I don't think there is much change there but I am trying to be more patient around her. Someone I know had a sister very much like my own and lost her to a overdose. I try to remember that these days because I don't want anything to ever happen to her and me be angry with her because of her sucky choices. She spent the day yesterday at the hospital trying to pick silly fights with me. It took everything in my hormonal body to let it go but I did. I am very proud of me!


Dottie said...

happy B-day Robin! I hope things get better with your grandmother and your sister.

HotMama said...

Thanks Dottie and Will

It was ok