03 August 2005

Seven Hours of My Life I Will Never Get Back

Yesterday I spent about seven hours in the car driving around running errands. That is seven hours in the car under the hot Georgia/South Carolina (I live smack on the border ) sun. So that got me thinking of all the other places I could have driven to in seven hours.

Starting from home I could have driven to:

1) Nashville, TN
2) Orlando, FL
3) Mobile, AL
4) Norfolf, VA

And one more hour could have gotten me to:

5)Frankfort, KY
6)Jackson, MS

But in all honesty these places sound as boring as my seven hour drive in circles yesterday.

Where could you drive to in seven hours?


mary bishop said...

Canada! I don't know why, but that's where I'd go...cool weather, cool people, less rules, free health care...maybe I would even stay....or so I feel today.

Great blog question Hot Mama!

RedPita said...

Ooooh.. this is a good one!


I would drive to Edistoe and go back to the beach but all by myself. I am craving some Rita Only time.

HotMama said...
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HotMama said...

ignore the above

thanks Mary. Canada sounds good maybe I will go with. Frank has this grand idea of moving us all to Alaska one day. I don't think our mothers will ;et us move this new baby any where anytime soon.

rita I am feeling like I might need a little hotmama time real soon. unfortunatly I am not ready to leave little booger butt so it will have to wait.

Unknown said...

Yeah, MB's on to something. I'll meet you in Canada darling!

HotMama said...

Sounds like a party in Canada!
Don't tell the kids where we all are.

RedPita said...

i'll buy the first round..

Unknown said...

AWESOME! Une bière si vous plait!

RedPita said...

Veux tu de bière blonde ou bière brune?

HotMama said...

greeeaaat, Ya'll are probably giving directions to where we are to meet for our wonderful private, no kids, no husband, alcohol filled party in Canada and now I will never get there. Oh well, just my luck! I do get somthing about blonde and maybe brunette?

RedPita said...


lb asked for 'a beer please'

i asked her if she wanted a dark or a light.

i thought you understood beer talk in any language!

HotMama said...

other great news, the alcoholic in me is slipping too. I guess you can't stay young and drunk forever. I would have at least taken young! Or atleast look like it. But I can probably blame loosing looking young on the fact I WAS drunk during most of my 20's and a couple of my 30's.

RedPita said...

bah, whatever. you look gorgous and you know it.

but maybe i am drunk and that is the beer goggles talking?

HotMama said...

Don't be jealous Will you are gorgeous too. And you can come to canada with us if you want. Will is always welcome were ever hotmama and ritapita go!!!!!

mary bishop said...

Can you imagine if we all did meet up in Canada? What a wild time we would have!

Let's see, we could have some local goodies to eat and drink like: bacon, dry, whiskey, goose and mints...get it?