02 February 2006

What's For Dinner? 2

Baked Porkchops
Rosemary Fried Potatoes
Asparagus Soup

Kristina and I made the Asparagus Soup for the first time 3 years ago on Valentines Day. It was so good and I have made it ever since. It is creamy with a little spice from the white pepper that goes in it and it comes aout a beautiful green color. The Rosemary Potatoes are a Frank creation. It is very simple but very very good all the same.


Anonymous said...

oh, your dinner sounds yummy!!!

I consider myself challenged!!


HotMama said...
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HotMama said...

Callenged as in 'can't match my delicious dinner' or challenged as in 'war' I am hoping for the latter. I am going to try and stop by for a sec this afternoon

RedPita said...

Food at your house just rocks.
Can i come over for dinner?

Anonymous said...

you make a faaaabulous beef strokin'off!!

HotMama said...


You know you can come over for dinner anytime you want.

Hey you, how are ya? Long time no see! Oh, and YOU make the most delicious sweet and sour cabbage EVER!!!! Good stuff! And I still get cravings for the meat ya'll cooked in the ground that time. Now that was yummy!

Anonymous said...

well, it was gonna be challenged as in "I don't think I can top that one... what can I make that could beat the yumminess," but then the migraine hit and I think the boy had a bologna sandwich for dinner....

you would have won anyway!!!!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

OH, okay I see how it is... you saw Rita today. Do you know how close you were to my house if you were at Rita's?

Wait, you have to pass by my house to get to Rita's!!!!

And yet, you didn't stop by???

That is just not right in any way. Hmph.

HotMama said...


It was not a social call. It was a I havn't heard from her or seen in days, banging on the door, do I need to get clean underwear on her before the coronor gets there call!

She was fine. Raced home and still failed to beat hubby home.

NO I don't pass your house silly.
13th street bridge hang a right.

The Egel Nest said...

I am starting to look forward to every night's dinner menu!

The Egel Nest

RedPita said...

Hey robin.

I was kidnapped last night.
you came a day early.

What shall I do now? Its dark in here..

HotMama said...

Can't be to dark with light from your moniter.......SmartAss!

RedPita said...

I am.. er.. typing blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back.

My captors demand asparagus soup for my safe return. And Robin? Hurry.. I think one may be that serial killer you have been dreaming about.